Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I can't believe the time is here! Life has been so busy with work and school and gathering donations for the trip that I have barely had a moment to register that we are really going to Peru. We leave just after midnight tonight and I am only now beginning to feel the reality of this mission.

Bagful of donations from Whole Foods Napa. photo by Will Egan
I feel so grateful for the generous donations I received from the Napa community. Of the many doctors offices I visited Clinic Ole was particularly generous. Whole Foods Market Napa donated hundreds of bottles of vitamins (prenatals, multivitamins for children and adults, calcium/magnesium/zinc, iron, folic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin D) as well as a number of school supplies (pencils and notepads), wooden toys and miscellaneous bodycare/hygiene products. This totaled to several hundred dollars of donations. As I pack the suitcases I feel warmed by the generosity of my community.

Packing donations. photo by Will Egan

Each of us in the group going to Peru will be bringing two 50lb bags of donations to check in along with one small carry-on for our personal items. We will be carrying a letter from the archbishop of Cusco with each of our names listed in case we encounter any trouble with customs and need a credible explanation for why we are entering the country with loads of (prescription) drugs.

 I know that the simplest things we take for granted can have a huge impact in the life of another. My deepest gratitude to all those who contributed and offered their support and enthusiasm for this trip. It is for you that I do this blog.

50-pound limit per bag! photo by Will Egan